How the Friends have helped
Since its foundation in 1927, the Friends' association has funded a wide range of projects to help the Cathedral, which have included:
repairs to the Great West Window
purchase of cassocks and surplices for the Girls’ Choir
the re-siting of the Font in the Nave
a new vestibule for the South Transept
The Friends' support was currently an extremely important aspect in the progress of the Peterborough 900 Campaign.
Become a Friend of Peterborough Cathedral
We would like to invite you to join us and become a 'Friend'. As a Friend you will:
- receive the fully illustrated Annual Journal, free of charge, which contains a wide range of articles about the history and ongoing work of the Cathedral;
- keep in touch with the Cathedral, and receive advance notice of forthcoming events;
- receive an invitation to the St. Peter’s Day Evensong Service and Reception;
- receive a discount on the Cathedral Christmas Card;
- be invited to join members in outings to other Cathedrals and places of historic interest
Download the Friends' membership leaflet
Click on the picture or this link to download the Friends of Peterborough Cathedral membership leaflet, which includes a membership application form.
2024 AGM
The AGM of the Friends will be held on the 5th October, at 2.30 pm, in the Knights Chamber. After the formal meeting, there will be an expert lecture by Dr Richard Fisher of the University of Bristol, on the fascinating subject of English cathedrals after the Reformation. We will then adjourn for a bumper tea at Becketts Tea Rooms.
There is no charge, although donations would be very welcome.
The meeting is open to everyone, whether or not members of the Friends.
Charity registration number: 249608
Further information
If you would like to find out more, please contact:
Friends of Peterborough Cathedral
Cathedral Office
Deanery Mews, Minster Precincts
Peterborough PE1 1XS