6th December - Restricted access due to corporate lunch. Open for private prayer and/or to light candles.


Worship and prayer take place daily at the Cathedral. Check this page to see how you can join us in person or online.

Current Service and Music List

Check the link below for the latest information.

Service and Music List 10 - 23 November

Service and Music List 24 November - 7 December

Follow this link for information about Junior Church and Family Services


Sunday services 

These are usual times, but please check the Service and Music List above for any variations to this pattern.

8.00am - Holy Communion (said) 

9.15am - Matins or, on the first Sunday of the month, a Family Service 

9.30am - Pre-recorded online service goes live (watch anytime via  Facebook or YouTube

10.30am - Eucharist

3.30pm - Choral Evensong or Evening Prayer

No booking is required unless specified. Follow this link for: Readings and collect for this Sunday

Do remember that you can get in touch with us via this email address: pastoralcare@peterborough-cathedral.org.uk or call the Cathedral Office on 01733 355315, on weekdays.

Worship midweek

8.00am Monday to Friday - Morning Prayer with Eucharist 
(8.30am on Saturdays and 9.00am on Bank Holidays)


8.30am Monday to Friday - Online Morning Prayer 
(9.00am on Saturdays). All are welcome via Zoom on this link:
Meeting ID: 898 7897 2070
Passcode: 467506

11.00am on Wednesdays - Holy Communion (said)

5.30pm Monday to Friday during term time - Choral Evensong
On Saturdays and during school holidays Evening Prayer is said. Occasionally a visiting choir will sing Evensong. 



You may also like to read the reflections posted on the Cathedral's Facebook page each morning, Monday to Saturday.

Cathedral prayer calendar

You may like to use the monthly Cathedral Prayer Calendar which combines prayer for the diocese, the worldwide Anglican church and the cathedral community.

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