6th December - Restricted access due to corporate lunch. Open for private prayer and/or to light candles.

Vision and Values

The Cathedral's core purpose is to share the love of God in Christ Jesus, affirming life in all its fullness and drawing people into relationship with him.

You can download Peterborough Cathedral's Vision and Values statement as a printable .pdf document here: Vision and Values

Our Vision

Inspired by the Rule of St Benedict, which was established here in the 10th century when Peterborough Abbey was re-founded, it is our vision to shape our community in four key areas:

Cross on a blue backgroundWorship 

To make the daily round of prayer and praise (enriched through the glory of the Anglican choral tradition) the heartbeat of the Cathedral’s life and our primary call.

'This then shall be the beginning of my advice: make prayer the first step in everything that you attempt.'  Rule of St Benedict. Prologue v4

Lightbulb on yellow backgroundLearning

To deepen our understanding of God’s purposes for us as expressed in Scripture and tradition and to use our God given gifts of reason and intuition in that endeavour.

'Therefore we intend to establish a school for the Lord’s service. In drawing up its regulations, we hope to set down nothing harsh, nothing burdensome.'  Rule of St Benedict. Prologue v45-46 

Open door on green backgroundHospitality

To welcome all who come as we would welcome Christ himself – he is both host and guest – and to find ways to invite others to explore, celebrate, learn, pray and grow with us.

'All who come are to be welcomed as Christ for he himself will say: I was a stranger and you welcomed me'.  Rule of St Benedict. Chapter 53.1A

Hands on a pink backgroundService

To show compassion for those in need and to work with others for a just society and the integrity of creation.

'The Tools of Good Works: Firstly, to love the Lord God with all the heart… then one’s neighbour as oneself… Come to the help of anyone in trouble.'  Rule of St Benedict.Chapter 4

Our Values

Read more about Our Values

Our Aims

Read more about Our Aims for the next five years.

Who We Are

Read more about Who We Are

Chapter of Peterborough Cathedral, June 2019

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