19th September - Cathedral opens at 11.30am due to Staff Forum

Pastoral Care & Prayer requests

As a Christian community, we seek to provide pastoral care for those who request it and to pray for all those who may be in need.

Pastoral Care

As part of our role providing pastoral care, we can help in offering:

  • daily prayer for those whose names have been placed on the prayer needs list;

  • home Communion for those members of the Cathedral community who are too sick to attend public worship; *

  • home or hospital visits to those who are seriously ill. *

* subject to any current health restrictions

Additionally the clergy are available to hear confessions or to discuss matters of pastoral concern by appointment.

If you would like to speak to your local parish priest, you can visit the Diocese of Peterborough's Find a Church or the Church of England's A Church Near You websites.

Prayer Requests

Many people find it helpful to know that they are being prayed for.

As a regular part of our Morning Services, we pray for those who have asked us to pray with them or for them.

If you would like prayers to be included for you or someone you care about please email pastoralcare@peterborough-cathedral.org.uk 

We take the safeguarding children, young people and vulnerable adults very seriously. Follow this link for Safeguarding contacts

Further information

If you would like more information on pastoral support or prayer requests, please contact:

01733 355315

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