Film, photography and media

Peterborough Cathedral is a great location for photography and filming. Before you get out your camera, please take a look at our guidelines. [] []Both individuals and organisations are asked to read the Photography, Video and Film Policy set out below before visiting. If you would like to discuss a shoot please contact us.


Paul Stainton - Head of Marketing & Communications


Phone: 01733 355309 / 355315

Photography, video and filming policy at Peterborough Cathedral

The golden rules:

  1. If in doubt, ask for permission in advance to take pictures anywhere on the Cathedral site. We try to help where we can, so please do not be afraid to ask.

  2. Please respect the privacy of others. In particular, please do not include any children in your images without the express permission of the adult responsible for their care.

Who should ask the Cathedral’s permission, and when? 

Tourists and individual visitors

Outside the Cathedral: You are free to take photographs or video outside the Cathedral to illustrate your visit for friends and family or to add to your amateur portfolio, including posting on social media (you may like to link us on Twitter @pborocathedral or Facebook /PeterboroughCathedral or Instagram @peterborough_cathedral.

Inside the Cathedral: Hand-held cameras or camera phones to take pictures of the building for private and non-commercial purposes are permitted for personal use. The use of tripods or lighting or models/actors, or photography for commercial use, is not allowed except by prior arrangement. If permission is given, a fee will be charged, variable depending on what is involved.

During services and choir rehearsals: Photography and filming is not permitted whilst a service is in progress, unless permission has been arranged at least one week in advance. We also ask that images are not taken whilst the choristers are rehearsing as this can distract their attention.

Students working on projects

Students, including school pupils, should seek permission before taking images for a project, whether inside or outside or the Cathedral. We need the following information so that we can consider your request:  

  • The name of your school, college or university, and the course being studied

  • A brief outline of your project and how the images shot at the Cathedral would be used

  • An indication when you hope to do this and how long it might take

  • For anyone under the age of 18, an email from your teacher or course tutor confirming that this work is part of your course.

Please give at least one full week’s notice. Your request should be sent to: If permission is granted, no charge will be made for a permit.

Wedding photographers

Wedding photography, inside or outside the Cathedral, is not permitted unless the wedding service has taken place here. Church of England regulations mean that relatively few couples are eligible to marry in the Cathedral (the emphasis is on making a connection with their own parish church) so we do not wish to raise false expectations. Details about eligibility are here:

We occasionally permit wedding photographs to be taken in the Cloisters, using the historic cloister walls as a backdrop, in exchange for an agreed fee. If you would like to explore this option, please contact us at least two weeks in advance of your wedding.

Any other photography, video or film shoot

If you would like to set up a shoot for any other reason, inside or outside the Cathedral, you need to ask permission at least one week in advance. If we are happy with the intention of the pictures and how they will be used, and the proposed timing does not clash with other events, we will normally grant permission.

In exchange we ask you to share one or two of your images with the Cathedral free of charge, for possible use in our social media, website or print publications. If you are taking your images for publication, where possible we ask for some free editorial or advertising space within the publication.

Where the pictures are being taken for commercial reasons and there is no direct publicity benefit to the Cathedral, a location fee will be charged.

Please note that even if you have permission from the Cathedral for your shoot, it remains your responsibility to seek the necessary permission from anyone featured in the images.

Video or filming or recording for broadcast

If you would like to set up a shoot or recording for broadcast purposes, please contact us in advance to seek permission and discuss practicalities. A location fee may be charged or a donation requested, depending on the nature of the broadcast.

Drones (small unmanned aircraft)

Filming or photography from drones, whether inside the Cathedral or outside in the Cathedral Precincts, is not normally permitted for reasons of public safety, residents’ privacy and the care of historic fabric. In very rare circumstances permission may be granted, provided that the drone operator has submitted in advance their written Method Statement and Risk Assessment, and evidence of their Public Liability Insurance. 


Paul Stainton, Head of Marketing & Communications

Phone: 01733 355315

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