Resticted access to the Cathedral due to Monsters of the Sea exhibition - Cloisters is closed until September

The Christian Faith

Peterborough Cathedral promotes opportunities to grow in learning and understanding of the Christian faith in a variety of ways.

Christianity is based on two simple beliefs. Christians believe, firstly, that human beings are not alone in the universe, and that life makes more sense when lived in response to God. Secondly, they believe that God has made himself known through Jesus Christ. The rest of Christian doctrine and theology is really only commentary on these two convictions.

The result is a faith whose core values are generosity, forgiveness and hope. It is also a faith in which story is more important than dogma, as we try to make sense of our human story by holding it up to the light of the Jesus story.

The Cathedral building tries to reflect these truths in its size, its beauty, and its ‘otherness’. It is a special place which can help people to become more aware of the presence and reality of God. That encounter with God is as much a possibility today as when the Cathedral was built.

At the Cathedral we try to provide regular opportunities for people with little or no knowledge of Christianity to discover more by joining a short course, which if desired can lead to Confirmation.

Alternatively, we have a number of ways to share in worship including study groups and associations. We can also recommend reading material or other resources to help those wanting to know more, or you might like to join us for one of our services.

There are plenty of ways to find out more about the Christian faith at the Cathedral:

An Introduction to the Christian Faith and the opportunity for Confirmation

This is a course suitable for anyone wanting to learn about the basics of the Christian faith, including those thinking about being baptised or confirmed as adults.  The course usually runs for eight weeks on a weekday evening leading up to the annual Confirmation Service at Easter.

Confirmation and Learning for Young People

Young people and children contribute a great deal to our community and congregation at the Cathedral.  We seek to encourage them to join us and explore the Christian Faith in ways that are directly relevant for them.

Fellowship Groups

Many members of the Cathedral community find that belonging to a fellowship group of ten or so members provides an ideal context in which to discuss, explore and question the Christian faith, as well as providing opportunities for putting it into action.

Peterborough Theological Society

The Society offers a programme of monthly talks by visiting academics on a wide range of theological subjects, including:
• Biblical Studies, 
• church history,
• prayer, 
• liturgy and worship, 
• the mission and ministry of the church, 
• ethical issues, 
• the arts and spirituality, 
• the sociology and philosophy of religion,
• ecumenical and inter-faith issues, and
• how we understand God.

Spiritual Direction

Many Christians find it helpful to have a spiritual director or mentor to encourage them on their spiritual journey and to provide advice and support about prayer, discipleship and the living out of their Christian faith. If you would like to explore the possibility of having a spiritual director, we would be happy to discuss this.

Diocesan Training

The Diocese of Peterborough Training Team offers a variety of courses and events covering all kinds of subjects relating to the Christian faith and we recommend their use.  Find out more on the diocesan website.

Further information

For more about Christianity or for help with any of the items outlined above, please contact the Cathedral's Canon Missioner, Steve Benoy:

01733 355315

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