Peterborough Cathedral has announced some exciting plans for the development of its Music Department from September 2020.
The Music Department posts mentioned below are now being advertised here: . The closing date is Friday 24 January 2020.
Two new specialist posts are to be created, enabling the Cathedral to extend its choral and organ music programme both within the Cathedral and beyond, as well as to foster new engagement with its Hill Organ as an instrument.
The posts are Head of Choral Development, and Organist. Both positions offer plenty of opportunities for creative, dynamic and forward thinking musicians to develop the Cathedral's musical profile.
The new roles will be crucial in helping the department to live out the Cathedral's Vision and Values at the beginning of the new decade; they will be outward looking, serving the community to complement worship at the Cathedral, contribute to the growth and development of the city, and be a resource for the Diocese. The Cathedral's full programme of eight choral services a week (in term time), and also its magnificent four manual Hill Organ, will provide an immediate resource for the post holders to help drive forward the mission and work of the department.
Further details of the positions will be available in January 2020. In the meantime, prospective candidates interested in finding out more about the positions are warmly encouraged to contact the Director of Music for an informal, confidential chat. Interviews and auditions will take place in early Spring, in readiness for September commencement.
You can find out more about the music department here
To contact the Director of Music please email