Resticted access to the Cathedral due to Monsters of the Sea exhibition - Cloisters is closed until September

Creating the world in eight million stitches…

Monday 27 February

From 22nd March to 30th April, Peterborough Cathedral will be playing host to ‘Threads through Creation’, a breath-taking exhibition of twelve enormous, embroidered silk panels that explore the story of Creation.

Inspired by the first pages of the bible, textile artist Jacqui Parkinson re-imagines an amazing story in brilliant silks, dazzling metallic leathers and gold leaf – and more than eight million stitches!

The panels are huge – as much as 4m/13ft wide: Jacqui Parkinson’s work is eye-catching, designed to be attractive for viewers of all ages. Whilst the serious context of God’s good earth and man’s impact on it underlies the entire exhibition, the embroidery itself is bold and exuberant.

Jacqui uses unusual techniques:

“I start with antique bedsheets, which hold their own tales of life and death. I gradually build up my stories by quilting the sheets and painting them. Then I add layers of silk, which I stitch into place using a special free motion sewing machine which allows me to stitch my ‘drawings’. Then I add gold leaf and metallic leathers as finishing touches, overall creating great richness - a feast for the eye!"

Jacqui adds:

"My aim is to capture the wonderful extravagance of the Creation story and to delight people who view it. Despite Adam and Eve’s fall from grace, it remains a story of love and promise, something we can all do with these days."

The Very Revd Chris Dalliston, Dean of Peterborough, said:

"‘This is a wonderful and thought-provoking exhibition. Ancient words from the pages of Scripture take on new life and meaning through Jacqui Parkinson’s extraordinary stitching and invite us to recognise the beauty and fragility of creation and our responsibility to care for it today – and for tomorrow.

"Peterborough Cathedral is a wonderful place for peace, contemplation and challenging conversations. ‘Threads through Creation’ will add new dimensions to a visit: spectacular, astonishing, colourful textile art: we invite you to come and see this extraordinary visual re-telling of the creation story, a re-telling that is absorbing, breath-taking and uplifting – and enjoyable whatever your age or background."

The exhibition is open during normal Cathedral opening hours, usually Monday to Saturday 10am – 4pm (9am – 5pm from 1st April) and Sunday 12 noon to 3pm. It is advisable to check before visiting as times can change due to occasional services and events. See

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