Resticted access to the Cathedral due to Monsters of the Sea exhibition - Cloisters is closed until September

Peterborough Cathedral renews its Homes for Ukraine appeal

Thursday 5 January

As news comes in of continuing destruction in Ukraine this winter, Peterborough Cathedral is renewing its call for hosts to come forward to offer accommodation for those fleeing the war-torn country.

Since April 2022 the Cathedral has been working with Citizens UK to establish a Welcoming Network for those arriving in the Peterborough area. Thanks to generous donations it has been possible to appoint a part-time Co-ordinator to take this forward and weekly meetings for Ukrainian guests now take place at Almoner’s Hall in the Cathedral Precincts. Any Ukrainians, whether they have UK hosts or have arrived through the ‘family visa’ route, are welcome to the sessions which share essential information about adapting to life in the UK.

At Christmas the Cathedral community rose to the challenge and gave gifts to over 65 children from the Ukrainian families. Each child also received a copy of HELLO Привіт (pictured) a book and journal in Ukrainian and English, all about the ups and downs of settling in to a new life in the UK. The Cathedral is also co-ordinating local fundraising for the collection and delivery of medical and generator supplies to Ukraine.

Click for Ukraine Welcome Network leaflet (.pdf)However, the need for hosts to come forward remains a priority and is more pressing than ever, as Jan Armitage, Chief Financial Officer and Administrator of the Cathedral explains:

“For every family we are in touch with, there are dozens more who are desperate to leave the dangerous conditions in Ukraine but cannot do so until hosts have been found. The UK government has confirmed that hosts will continue to benefit from a £350 per month payment for up to 12 months, £500 thereafter, and on arrival the guests - who often have fled with nothing - are eligible to claim benefits until they can settle and find work. Guests also are entitled to NHS services, and children will be found school places.

“I’d encourage anyone who feels they may be able to provide accommodation, whether in their own home or in a vacant property, to get in touch and we will do everything we can to support you through the matching and settling-in process.”

Family groups can vary in size from one to six people and there is plenty of support available via the Cathedral project and Citizens UK to ensure a successful outcome for both the host and the guests. This includes a multistage, 100% confidential matching process and both pre-and post-arrival advice for refugees and hosts. The Cathedral itself is providing accommodation to a Ukrainian family.

Find out more

To find out more, without obligation, here's how to contact us:


Call Project Coordinator, Jurgita Bilinskiene, on 07306 885214

See our webpage 


Peterborough Cathedral Ukraine Appeal

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