Resticted access to the Cathedral due to Monsters of the Sea exhibition - Cloisters is closed until September

Tell & See

There are all sorts of ways of sharing our faith, and these will be different for each relationship and person. The truth is that most of us need a bit of help and advice in this area.

Tell & See

Tell and See logoMost of us are not natural evangelists, and the thought of proactively sharing our faith can be alarming! Yet it is what we are called to do in whatever ways we can, and there is nothing more powerful than personal testimony in helping new people open up to the possibility of faith. We all have a story, whether we are cradle Anglicans or have had a dramatic conversion experience. We just need to have the confidence to share it naturally if the opportunity arises.

Sharing Faith logWe recommend Sharing Faith. This free resource from the Diocese is a short three session course (90 minutes each) for groups (or individuals) which helps everyone find a way to tell their story of what God has done. It is simple and we think that anyone can do it. It’s free.

It can be used by a variety of church groups:

  • Housegroups
  • PCCs
  • Advent / Lent groups
  • Pastoral visiting teams
  • Children's and youth
  • Welcome teams
  • Mothers' Union groups

It does not require any technology – just a group of people (online, of course), the notes, Bibles, comfy chairs and a cup of tea / coffee.

Have a look. Learn to tell your story and see what God will do with it when you do! Download Sharing Faith.

If you’ve used it, get in touch and tell us how it was for you!

Let’s Tell and See what God will do.

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