Look out for the Writer in Residence on 17th November

Wednesday 6 November

Amber-Page, a Peterborough-based spoken-word poet, and member of the Cathedral congregation, will be spending a day as ‘writer in residence’ at the Cathedral on Sunday 17th November.

As well as soaking up the atmosphere and observing the life of the Cathedral on that day, Amber-Page will be speaking to people as they come and go. She would be really happy for anyone to come and have a chat with her and talk about what the Cathedral means to them. 

The one day residency is part of the Syntax Poetry Festival, which is supporting ten ‘flash residencies’ on dates during November, located in a whole range of different settings across Peterborough. The work the writers produce will be shared on Instagram (@syntaxpoetryfestival) and at an event in The Undercroft at Serpentine Green, hosted by the Poetry Festival on 28th November. In due course it is hoped to publish the poem Amber-Page writes as a result of her residency on the Cathedral’s digital screens - keep a look out for it!

Amber-Page was shortlisted to be the next Peterborough Poet Laureate, narrowly missing out on the top spot when the judging took place last week. She says that the Cathedral is an important place to her and often appears in her writing, so we’re very much looking forward to seeing what her day in residence inspires.

Find Amber-Page on Twitter @amberpagepoetry.


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