The absence of worshippers, visitors and even clergy from the Cathedral during lockdown has meant that the ancient space has been strangely quiet.
One of the most popular things to do when visiting Peterborough Cathedral is to light a candle in memory of a loved one, or as a sign of prayer to God about worries or to give thanks.
So we are in our third month of Lockdown – time has rushed by… and dragged on! We have become accustomed to our exile yet ever more frustrated by it.
Once they can safely return from lockdown, the gardening team at Peterborough Cathedral is looking forward to some ‘Winter Snow’, followed by ‘Halcyon’ days with ‘Regal Rhubarb’.
26 pupils at The King's (The Cathedral) School in Peterborough have offered to telephone members of the Peterborough Cathedral congregation currently isolated by the coronavirus lockdown.
On Friday 8th May, at 3.00pm, Peterborough Cathedral is inviting people to mark the 75th anniversary of the end of the Second World War in Europe, by joining in an online VE Day Commemoration Service.
'T. rex: The Killer Question', the Natural History Museum’s touring exhibition due to be shown at Peterborough Cathedral in July and August 2020, has been postponed until summer 2021. See update below.
Well, what a strange Easter it has been – glorious weather on the one hand, but a world in continuing turmoil and searching for signs of hope, amidst the ongoing struggle against disease and death.
As we enter this second week of lock down I wanted to say a few words about our common life as a Cathedral community and how we are managing this crisis, and how we hope to go forward from here.
The rainbow has long been the sign of hope for many people of faith, ever since God made it a sign of the promise between him and his people.