Resticted access to the Cathedral due to Monsters of the Sea exhibition - Cloisters is closed until September


A unique prayer wall made up of the letters HOPE will shortly be on display in the Cathedral.

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A Christmas Message from the Dean

Tuesday 24 December

Things are never dull in Peterborough Cathedral and 2019 was another exciting year, with the remarkable high point the 'Gaia' exhibition – Luke Jerram’s representation of the earth slowly turning in the vast space beneath the tower.

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Look out for Roman soldiers at the Norman Arch which leads from the Peterborough city centre into the Cathedral on Monday 23rd December.

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Peterborough Cathedral has announced some exciting plans for the development of its Music Department from September 2020.

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City centre workers and shoppers are warmly invited to Peterborough Cathedral this Wednesday, 18th December at 1.00pm, for a lunch time of traditional Christmas carols.

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Anyone with Scottish connections, or who is a fan of Scotland and the Scottish bard, Rabbie Burns, should know that Peterborough Cathedral will host a Burns Night Supper on Saturday 18th January 2020.

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This is the poem that Amber-Page wrote following her day as ‘writer in residence’ at the Cathedral on Sunday 17th November 2019.

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Tim Hitch has been appointed by Chapter as the independent Safeguarding Officer for the Cathedral.

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Statistics published by the Church of England this week (26th November 2019) show that England’s cathedrals have witnessed their highest Easter congregation numbers in recent years, while visitor numbers increased by a million on the previous year.

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The Katharine of Aragon Festival takes place from 23rd to 26th January 2020 at Peterborough Cathedral and Peterborough Museum and Art Gallery.

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