Resticted access to the Cathedral due to Monsters of the Sea exhibition - Cloisters is closed until September


On Monday 17th and Tuesday 18th August a stonemason will abseil down the iconic west front of Peterborough Cathedral to do a condition survey. But this is no ordinary condition survey.

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Prayer for Lebanon

Friday 07 August

We send our love and solidarity to Lebanese families in Peterborough and remember in prayer the people of Lebanon.

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The Dean, Chris Dalliston, is to lead an online service compiled in collaboration with Peterborough City Council, to commemorate the 75th anniversary of VJ Day on Saturday 15th August.

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The beautiful outdoor space on the south side of Peterborough Cathedral will be the setting for a ‘socially distanced’ performance of Oscar Wilde’s famous comedy, The Importance of Being Earnest, on Friday 21st August.

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The Knights’ Chamber within the Visitor Centre at 25 Minster Precincts is amongst 10 venues announced today by the Lord Chancellor as the first ‘Nightingale Courts’.

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Peterborough Cathedral will welcome worshippers in person for the first time since the Coronavirus lockdown on Sunday 12th July, when a service of Holy Communion will be said in the Nave.

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This month, Peterborough Civic Society has installed four blue plaques in the Cathedral Precincts to highlight some important historical connections.

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Peterborough Cathedral will re-open to visitors from Saturday 4th July, following the further lifting of the Government’s coronavirus restrictions.

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On Sunday 5th July 2020, at 6.00pm, Peterborough Cathedral will be streaming an online Service of Thanksgiving for the National Health Service to mark the 72nd anniversary of its foundation.

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Peterborough Cathedral has announced that it will re-open its doors on Monday 22nd June for private prayer and reflection. It will be open daily between 10.00am and 1.00pm.

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